Mental Health Awareness
While Amandla Olwazi’s focus is on raising awareness of the impact of anti-Black racism on the mental health and wellness of Black communities, it also equally addresses the overall awareness of mental health among the Black population, the stigma associated with it and devising strategies to combat the challenges through engaging diverse community members.
There are misconceptions and stigma surrounding mental health issues. Most people with mental health issues prefer to stay silent and do not seek treatment. Creating mental health awareness improves people’s understanding and increases access to timely and culturally safe treatment and support. Furthermore, increasing awareness helps combat and eliminate the stigma associated with it.
Located in Malvern area of Scarborough, TAIBU Community Health Centre developed the following three videos around mental health awareness in three different languages (Somali, Amharic, and French) intending to reach other language minority populations affected by mental health issues.